Our Projects
Here we would like to present some of our projects from the recent past so that you can get an overview of the wide range of our portfolio.
New steam boiler house
The complete planning and implementation was taken over, including risk analysis, P&I scheme preparation, installation, commissioning as well as the complete acceptance process with the authorities. The shell boiler now provides 1.6 tons of steam. During the construction work, a steam lending system was used as a temporary solution.
Steam and condensate network: design and piping
The entire existing plant was replaced by a container plant and new steam consumers were connected to the steam network. In addition, the entire steam network was extensively expanded, the complete piping and assembly was taken over, and the steam consumer and the new steam container were integrated.
New steam center
Three high-speed steam generators were installed and assembled in parallel operation for this customer. As a result, 2 tons of steam per hour are now available. The challenge of installing the quick steam generators in a very small space was successfully met.
New large-scale plant with new steam center
The entire large-scale plant including the shell boiler was installed and assembled. Our customer now has 18 tons of steam per hour at his disposal. All vessels were specially manufactured for the plant, and the boiler was installed and the piping for the entire plant was installed over several floors.
Steam production expansion
An electric steam generator capable of producing 180 kilograms of steam per hour was manufactured and assembled. In addition, all necessary inspections and test runs were taken over as well as the connection to the customer's steam network. Thus, non-automated production processes can be switched on manually.